Audience. Community. Presentation. Comments.
So I'm pretty new to this whole blogging thing, but I've followed a few blogs for several years here's what I think so far. People create blogs for various reasons. Some people have opinions and ideas that they would like to share with the world whether the world wants to hear it or not. Some people create blogs to share ideas and thoughts with others as part of a community. They require comments and sharing from the audience so that the whole community may learn and grow together. Still others create a blog for themselves and see it as more reflective. They do no require comments and their audience does not matter to them. Blogging for the purposes of a class is unique because it is not voluntary and must meet course requirements. It is also publishing your learning in a public venue.
I considered starting a blog at the beginning of my career as a way to reflect on and share what I was doing in my classroom, but feared that I wouldn't have time to keep up with it. Now I have started a blog. When I first began I was at a loss of how to address my audience (To be honest, I'm still figuring that out). I've decided to keep this more narrative and steam of thought. As I continue through this class I will be doing a lot of reflecting on how I use various web tools in my classroom. I am hoping to share ideas with an audience of my fellow classmates and anyone else out there who is interested in my thoughts. I am also hoping to develop and foster a sense of community with my fellow classmates as we will all be exploring the same tools. I would appreciate any comments and feedback, so we may share our learning. So with all of that being said I have a few questions.
What blogs do you follow? Why do you follow them?
I follow several women who are primary elementary teachers. I love reading their blogs and getting new ideas for classroom set-up, activities, new strategies. I feel a part of a community of learning and sharing when I read and comment on these. Some of my favorites are:
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